Music and poetry: A garota não

Sob o lado esquerdo da imagem, encostada a uma parede branca, na rua,mulher branca, o cabelo castanho levemente apanhado no cimo da cabeça. Está sentada de perfil, com o rosto voltado de frente e o joelho esquerdo fletido. O braço apoiado sobre o joelho.
© Nuno Baptista

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A garota não sings her brand of  intervention through a sweet contemplation of the times we live in. She makes us whitness a social and political journey of someone who fights with the heart and gives body, soul, and voice to an utterly unique project. In 2022, she released 2 de abril, an album paying tribute to the neighbourhood where she grew up in Setúbal. At Casa Fernando Pessoa, she will showcase an intimate concert that unveils the strength of the relationship between music and writing.


A garota não
Cátia Mazari Oliveira - Vocals and guitar
Sérgio Mendes - Guitars