
A house is a place to be lived in. Those who visit a house also inhabit it.

Casa Fernando Pessoa hosts a long-term exhibition and a temporary exhibit.

We are open from Tuesday to Sunday, between 10am and 6pm; and we provide daily visits, guided by our team of cultural mediators.

The long-term exhibition at Casa Fernando Pessoa has texts, subtitles and other materials in English. The mediators open doors and create bridges to enter the fascinating universe of Pessoa - and they do so in these four languages: English, French, Spanish or Italian.

Find out the visiting conditions to be safely at Casa Fernando Pessoa and make your booking to

You can buy your ticket in advance, or acquire it as you come in, at our museum’s ticket office.


​​​​​​We provide regular visits with Portuguese Sign Language interpretation, as well as with audio description, but these services can also be requested, on demand, according to our visitors’ need.


We're waiting for you. Make yourself at home.


Opening times and prices

Visiting conditions